Monday, January 12, 2015

Yeah I know.

Yeah  I know. (614 words)
"I'm sooo cute!" Stacy said as she twirled in front of the changing room mirror. I sighed and rolled my eyes, totally done with today's 'give Stacy complements' section, ready to move on to the 'let's go home and watch Jurassic park and snarf popcorn.' section. "you look exactly like you did in all those other dresses, and the outfits and the shoes." She whipped her head around to look at me, her long red hair flying over her shoulder, "I looked good in those too."  I shrugged and snuck out of the changing room, careful not to knock over the teetering pile of reject clothes piled by the door. I slumped down on a bright red plastic bench across from the fitting room. I pulled my book out of my bag and held it up to my face because I simply  didn't want to make eye contact with any other human beings. After a good few minuets I realized that I was in fact holding said book upside down. I subtly turned it over as a couple came into the dressing rooms area and started looking for an open room. "That one's taken," I said as they started to make their way over to Stacy's room. The girl turned to me and flashed an almost too sappy smile. "Thanks, but I wasn't asking." I shrugged and went back to reading. She walked towards the changing room that Stacy was in and shook the door handle. When it resisted and Stacy shouted from inside "Someone is IN HERE!" The girl stalked past the door and took the stall next to that one. I chuckled and hoped that she would try on every outfit only to buy the first one she tried.
It was only a few mere moments later before the boy accompanying the girl sidled up next to me on the bench and said "She is such a bitch." I glanced at him with a look of pure terror. "Be careful! She might hear you and kill me!" He chuckled, brushing a bit of lint off of my longhorns sweatshirt. I eyed him, wondering if I knew where he was going with this . "My name's Nate." He still hadn't made eye contact with me staring instead at the book in my lap. "Flowers for Algernon, good book." I raised an eyebrow. "I've read it ten times, it's my back up book." He nodded knowingly.  "You're beautiful you know. I just thought you should know that." If I hadn't seen his mouth move I could have sworn I was hearing things. "oh, thank you?" I scooted down the bench until I was out of touching distance, as his arm was now sneakily draped over my shoulder. It was interesting to hear, but hard to accept. I knew that I wasn't an unattractive person, but even on my best days I had never been called that. In my jeans, sweatshirt, no makeup and half braided half loose blonde hair. I was, shaggy, at best.
I ignored his attempts at conversation by burying my nose in my book and waiting for Stacy to come out. She finally tapped me on the shoulder and shot me a pure white smile. "Ready to go watch dinosaurs scare the shit out of  people?" I grinned. "Of course!"
As we were standing in line the boy and the bitch came up behind us as we were paying. I handed the cashier my five dollars to pay for my gum, listening to the conversation between creeper boy and Stacy.
"You are really beautiful. I hope you know that."
Stacy giggled and then said in the most stern voice, "Yeah, I know."
-Jessica Baker-

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